Pion’s PAMPA technology used a range of membranes to mimic gastro-intestinal conditions, or the blood-brain or human skin barrier. It allows you to evaluate the passive permeability of APIs as well as the absorption potential of simple or complex formulations very precisely using robust models and protocols.

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Pion PAMPA has three key variants to support the permeability classification of APIs; GIT Lipid for gastrointestinal permeability of oral therapies using the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS), BBB Lipid for blood-brain barrier permeability in the CNS classification system and SKIN PAMPA for dermal/transdermal penetration potential.

Pion PAMPA can be used for preformulation excipient screening;
• Comparative flux assay for smart excipient selection to enhance GI absorption,
• Comparative flux assay to select excipients for dermal/transdermal formulations.

Pion SKIN PAMPA offers a further ability for final formulation screening; comparing the performance of topical and transdermal formulations to rank order the permeability potential of those formulations.


PAMPA has a wide range of popular applications, each delivering robust and reliable results.

Our PAMPA Explorer Command Software is easy to interface, and is compatible with some commercially available UV readers and liquid handling robots.

✓ Study the simple solvent/excipient effect on flux

✓ Measure passive permeability of compounds

✓ Find the best excipients to help dermal absorption

✓ Perform all evaluations using only modest sample quantities

✓ Evaluate or compare complex formulations


PAMPA gives you the ability to screen the permeability of newly discovered APIs using a simple and robust model.

For example, PAMPA simulates the pH gradient between the gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma, which can affect the transport of ionizable molecules. In order to model transport conditions in the blood, the acceptor contains a scavenger binding molecule that helps to keep the free concentration of the API close to zero, leading to more accurate results.

While rodent in vivo and in situ studies of the kinetics of drug uptake across the gastro-intestinal in-terface, blood brain barrier, and via the skin are valuable assessment tools, they are relatively expen-sive and time consuming. PAMPA can reduce the number of animal studies using a system which mimics many of the properties of all these membranes.

Pion’s high throughput PAMPA method gives researchers a test system that is not only highly predic-tive of the human skin barrier, the blood-brain barrier, and the gastro-intestinal interface but also ex-peditious. Tests can be conducted manually or on robotic platforms for added flexibility.

We have developed a protocol on Double Sink PAMPA platform to study the effect of excipients on the solubility and permeability of APIs in a single assay. The gathered data could be used in early as-sessment of excipient influenced and pH-dependent GIT absorption. This could be beneficial in priori-tizing and perhaps minimizing the number of animal tests needed.